Russian Orthodox Church. Moscow Metropolis. Diocese of Podolsk and Lyubertsy.
Vidnovsky Deanery, Razvilka settlement


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November, 2-nd

On November, 2-nd, the visitors of the Center for daytime stay for elderly citizens "Nadezhda" of settl. Razvilka made a trip to Nikolo-Ugreshskiy monastery headed by the dean of Joseph Volotskiy church priest Sergiy Efimov.

The excursion in the monastery was organized by the altar-boy of Joseph Volotskiy church Ivan Novikov, the student of Nikolo-Ugreshskaya seminary. The pilgrims were astounded by the architectural ensemble of the monastery beautifully included in the surroundings, which consists of several churches and stately seven-layers bell tower. The main temple of the cloister - Preobrazhenskiy - made a lasting impression by its gorgeousness and beauty of internal decorations. After kissing the saint objects of the monastery - the relics of Pimen of Ugresh and icon of the Mother of God "Vzygranie" of Ugresh - the pilgrims went to the nature corner where they saw reindeer, ostriches, duck of different kinds, rabbits and even giant sturgeons! They saw a greenhouse for growing oyster mushrooms. After the excursion Ivan Novikov organized for the pilgrims tea with baked monastery goods.

Everyone was pleased with the warm atmosphere and cordiality they met in the monastery.

This trip was the first from the number of events planned as cooperation between the Joseph Volotskiy church and Center "Nadezhda".



October. 28-th

On October, 28-th, the Russian Orthodox Club of army hand-to-hand fight "NARD" was opened in a stately manner in Vidnoe College. The following participants took part in the event: deputy head of administration of  Leninskiy municipal district L’vov Lev Sergeevich, dean of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka priest Sergiy Efimov, deputy head of Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and work with youth of Moscow region, master of sports in army hand-to-hand fight Oleg Nikolaevich Dolzhenko, deputy Minister of education of Moscow region Government Vladimir Nikolaevich Ahrenov, head of settlement administration Kolodin Aleksandr Vladimirovich, headmaster of Vidnoe College Sergey Mikhailovich Nerubenko, chairman of "People Squad" Evgeniy Anatolievich Arsentiev.


After the congratulatory speech of deputy head of administration of  Leninskiy municipal district L’vov L. S. dean of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka spoke. Father Sergiy congratulated everybody with the club opening and drew their attention to the presence of the word "Orthodox" in its name, which obliges the club members to do their best to lead spiritual life, to be both strong and pious. The father presented the club with the icon of saint righteous warrior Theodor Ushakov - the protector of the Russian army.


During the event a demonstrative fight between the representatives of the people squad and a training class took place under the direction of the famous trainer, master of sports in boxing Chistyakov I.A., who prepared the champions and winners of Moscow, Russia, CIS, USSR.


The methods of training in the club are based upon the best traditions of Soviet classical school without influence of oriental martial arts.


On October 22-nd, 2011, a lecture was held by postgraduate student of Philosophy Institute of Russian Science Academy Anna Andreevna Guseva “The Russian language. Native tongue as a problem.” The question was brought up for discussion if the Church Slavonic language can be considered as a native tongue now by people with secular consciousness and how our native tongue can be characterized in general.
The speech of any person defines his attitude to the world and to his nears. Exactly by the speech a person shows whom he considers himself, how he identifies himself (in connection with the prevalence of criminal vocabulary in spoken language the problem of social, national and cultural self-identification becomes very acute). The literary language is usually opposed to the spoken one, which is considered to be simple and “low”. The interaction of these two language types happened in history depending on different principles. The appearance of the literary languages was often connected with the churching of a nation – in this way emerged the Armenian literary language Grabar and Gothic language. With the adoption of Christianity by Rus’ and under the influence of language of Cyril and Methodius’s translations the transformation of Slavonic spoken language started.
The Church Slavonic language was gradually moved to the backside of native tongue after the Peter’s orthographic reform resulted in appearance of civil alphabet. By 19-th century the break becomes especially visible as an inevitable result of the fundamental difference between the education systems for different levels of society. Learning of Church Slavonic language was often the only school subject of peasant children, while children of other levels first learned the Russian language and then, after mastering the civil alphabet, they started (if ever) learning the Church Slavonic language using the Psalter and Book of Hours. Our native tongue is full of Americanisms. This problem also exists in British English and in French languages. Americanisms in Russian can be found both on phonetical and lexical levels. Another problem spot of modern native tongue is the prevalence of criminal vocabulary. In such way the identification of nation becomes changed, people associate themselves with the criminal consciousness.
The aggressive model of speech behavior unfortunately became the integral trait of our native speech of the beginning of 21-st century. How often we can hear: “This is not my problem”, or in reply to the talk about one’s plans: “And why doing that?”. “To cut” the interlocutor becomes now a kind of a decency rule. Our speech is full of pseudo-pronouns: elite, exclusive, pathos, positive, creative, actual, real. But every word heard or uttered by us is printed on our personality. The fact that the Church Slavonic language, the language of Russian spirituality and culture, is the foundation of the Russian language helps one to hold out in this difficult situation. After the lecture some questions were asked: what speech behavior can help a person to stay within the system of native language at the period of globalization and what is the role of the Church Slavonic language in forming the language identity of modern people. Anna Andreevna passes her love and language knowledge to the students of our Sunday school during the lessons of the Church Slavonic language.    
On October 22-nd, a children’s        fair dedicated to the feast of Protection of the Mother of God was organized in the center for children creative work “Sema” situated in settlement Razvilka.

 The organizer of this event were the center’s director Tarabrin Aleksandr Nikolaevich together with his assistants – art director Vasilieva Natalia Leonidovna and drawing teacher Mikhailova Ksenia Yurievna. The event was opened by the clergyman of Joseph Volotskiy church of settl. Razvilka priest Iliya Pankratov.

 Father Iliya told the children the story of the feast and blessed them for the further progress in their creative works. The children showed the father their works made under the strict and kind guidance of their teachers. During the event the children had a chance to participate in funny games and competitions, quizzes, fulfilled different tasks showing their dexterity and wits.

Together with the event’s Hostess, Skomorokh and Autumn children sang a lot of different songs, humorous rhymes and danced. Every child was able to show himself, all parents could see which dances and songs learned their children in center “Sema”.


On Saturday, October 22, parishioners of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka had a pilgrim trip to Dmitrov.

The pilgrims visited the main cathedral of Dmitrov’s kremlin – Uspenskiy, where they heard an interesting story about the history of the grand temple, kissed the relics of great martyr Dimitriy Solunskiy.

After that the parishioners headed to the Borisoglebskiy monastery and to the friendly to our parish Vvedenskiy temple, where a tea party was organized specially for our group. In the end of the trip they visited the Nikolo-Peshnoshskiy monastery, founded in 1361 by Methodius Peshnoshskiy, the disciple of Sergiy Radonezhskiy.

The trip was guided by Sholohova Taisiya Dmitrievna. We would like to say special thanks to “GAZPROM VNIIGAZ” Ltd. for providing the group with the bus and personally to driver Gennadiy Skleznev.

On 8-th of October, 2011 the noncommercial partnership “Public squad” organized a military and patriotic game “Operational Readiness” for teenagers in settlement Razvilka, about 200 people participated in it. Instructors serving in special units of Russian Ministry of Defense, Ministry for Emergency Situations and Ministry of Internal Affairs were invited to lead this military and patriotic game.

The competitions participants tried their hands in “army” Rugby , searched the masked scout on the limited area and of course ate in the field kitchen.

At the opening ceremony were present: head of Leninskiy municipal district Koshman Sergey Nikolaevich, deputy head of administration L’vov Lev Sergeevich, chairman of Board of deputies Ventsal Valeriy Nikolaevich, head of settlement administration Kolodin Aleksandr Vladimirovich. We would like to draw special attention to the presence of the chairman of Board of primary veterans’ organization of settlement Razvilka Saveliev Ilya Evdokimovich, the Great Patriotic War veteran, at this patriotic educational event.

In the welcoming speech to the event participants it was noted, that it was rather symbolic to organize such event on the memory day of Saint Sergiy Radonezhskiy, who is considered in our country to be the example of sainthood and uncompromising struggle with the Motherland enemies. People remembered the blessing given by saint Sergiy to Prince Dmitriy Donskoy for battle of Kulikovo and two monks sent from the monastery – saints Peresvet and Oslyabya to join the Russian warriors.

It makes one very happy to see that the education of the growing generation in military and patriotic clubs is based on the best Russian battle traditions. As it is required by Orthodox tradition the children listened to the priest’s admonitions and received his blessing before the battle. The clergyman of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka priest Iliya Pankratov reminded them the words of Aleksey Kadochnikov, who was one of the founders of hand-to-hand combat in Russia , that the warrior must defeat his enemy with minimum effort because a next battle can start after the first one. And he asked everybody to be always ready to fulfill at any moment the Lord’s precept and “lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

On 7-th of October,  the center “Nadezda” (Hope) for day-time stay for elderly citizens was opened after the reconstruction in settl. Razvilka. At the opening ceremony were present: head of Leninskiy municipal district Koshman S.N., head of settlement administration Kolodin A.V., chairman of Board of veterans Saveliev I.E., dean of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka priest Sergiy Efimov. After the opening ceremony during the friendly tea party with the head of Leninskiy district father Sergiy congratulated the gathered people with the reopening of the center “Nadezda”, expressed the hope of further cooperation and presented the center with the icon of Saint Joseph Volotskiy.
On September 24, 2011, the parishioners of our church visited the temples and monasteries of Serpukhov .
The first to be visited was the Vysotskiy men’s monastery. The parishioners kissed the main relics: the icon of Holy Mother Inexhaustible Cup, Seeker of the Perishing, the icon of Saint Athanasius of Serpukhov junior, whose memory day is celebrated on September, 25. They prayed during the service for the dead, Akathist and prayer to the Holy Mother Inexhaustible Cup and Saint Athanasius of Serpukhov junior. In Zachatiev temple of the monastery they kissed the relics of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and other saints.
After that they visited the Vladychniy female monastery in honor of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin in the Temple . They prayed during the prayer to the Holy Mother Inexhaustible Cup, kissed the relics of Saint Varlaam of Serpukhov and took some holy water.
Then they went to the spring of Saint David of Serpukhov in village Talezh, where they dipped into water and took some holy water with them.
The trip was finished by the visit to Voznesenskaya Davidova pustyn (hermitage). The parishioners prayed at the Night service in the church of Merciful Saviour . They kissed the part of the Lord’s Tunic, part of the Robe of Holy Mother, and also the relics of Great-martyr Anastasia, Deliverer from Bonds and St. great prince Alexander Nevsky. In Znamenskiy temple they kissed the honored icon of Holy Mother Of the Sign, relics of Saint David of Serpukhov and part of the Nail of God’s Cross.

During the whole trip the pilgrims listened about the history of the places visited and about saints worked there, told by the Candidate of History, teacher of Svyato-Tikhonovskiy Humanity University Yurenko Anastasia Igorevna.

On September, the 3-d, the citizens of settl. 

Razvilka celebrated the day of settlement foundation. Ceremonial concert took place in the stadium of Razvilka branch of Vidnoe college. After the welcome speech of settlement administration head Kolodin A.V. the clergyman of Joseph Volotskiy church priest Iliya Pankratov addressed the gathered people. He greeted the citizens, wished them happiness, welfare and God’s help in all good works.

Father Iliya noted that a lot of children were present at the feast and once more congratulated them with the beginning of the school year. He reminded that one should ask for God’s help in everything and invited everyone to Sunday liturgy and public service before the beginning of the school year in Joseph Volotskiy church. The citizens warmly welcomed the father and bade him farewell with approving applauses.

1 september. 
It became a good tradition to start a new school year with a church blessing in all educational institutions of settlement Razvilka.


This year the clergyman of Joseph Volotskiy church in Razvilka priest Iliya Pankratov visited the branch of Vidnoe college and Razvilka general secondary school. At the college feast father Iliya participated in ceremonial events together with the head of local administration Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kolodin and college headmaster Sergey Mikhailovich Nerubenko. 

Father addressed the gathered students and wished them to be zealous and diligent not only in learning the chosen profession, but also to take care of their health and moral growth. Father Iliya wished the teachers God’s help in their methodical and educational work. After the college feast father Iliya went to Razvilka general secondary school, where he had a talk with the school head Tatiana Yurievna Litvinova, teachers and pupils and also took part in ceremonial events devoted to the Day of Knowledge.

On June, 5, after the Divine Liturgy in the Joseph Volotskiy church in settle. Razvilka the icon of the saint Gregory, enlightener of Armenia was sanctified.

The representatives of Armenian diaspora were present at the sanctification. The paining of saint Gregory Armanskiy for Joseph Volotskiy church was intended as a friendly step towards interfaith dialogue with the representatives of Armenian people who live in great number in Razvilka and neighboring  places. We should note that they often come to the orthodox church to pray and to light candles. Several Armenians were even baptized or churched in   the Joseph Volotskiy church after a cycle of catechetical talks.

Hieromartyr Gregory, enlightener of Greater Armenia, was born in 257. He came from the family of Parthian kings Arsakids. Saint Gregory’s father, Anak, soliciting the Armenian throne, killed his relative king Kursar, and for that the whole Anak’s family was destroyed. Gregory was saved by a relative who took him to Armenia to Caesarea in Cappadocia and brought him up as a Christian. Having grown up, Gregory got married, had two sons, but soon became widower. Gregory brought up his sons in piety. To wash away his father’s sin, who killed Tiridat’s father, Gregory joined his retinue and served him faithfully. Prince Tirirdat liked Grigory as a friend, but couldn’t bear his Christian faith. After taking Armenian throne he started forcing saint Gregory to renounce Christ. Saint’s firmness embittered Tiridat and he sent his loyal servant to severe tortures: the sufferer was suspended down head with a stone on his neck, for several days he was smoked with stinking smoke, beaten, humiliated, made walk in steel boots with nails. During all these tortures saint Gregory sang psalms. In the dungeon God cured all his wounds. When Gregory again came to the king intact and happy he was astonished and ordered to repeat the tortures. Saint Gregory endured them with the same determination and dignity. Then he was poured over with hot tin and dropped to a ditch full of poisonous reptiles. But God saved his chosen one and the snakes didn’t harm him. Some pious woman fed him with bread, secretly putting down to the ditch. Saint Angel came to the martyr, encouraged him and strengthened his spirit. So 14 years passed by. During this time king Tiridat made one more crime – he tortured saint virgin Ripsimia, staritsta hegumene Gaiania and with them 35 more virgins from one of convent of Minor Asia. Saint Ripsimia together with her hegumene and sisters ran to Armenia not wishing to marry emperor Diocletian (284-305), fascinated with her beauty. Diocletian informed king Tiridat about that and proposed either to send Ripsimia back or to marry her himself. King’s servants found the refugees and tried to convince Ripsimia to obey king’s will. The saint answered that she as well as all sisters of the convent are betrothed to Heavenly Bridegroom and can not get married. Then the voice was heard from the skies: “Go ahead and don’t be afraid, for I am with you”. The servant retired in horror. Tiridat sent the virgin to awful tortures. Hegumene Gaiania and two nuns were also sent to tortures and then beheaded for encouraging Ripsimia to bravely endure all tortures for Christ. The rest 33 sisters were cut by swords and dropped to be eaten by animals. God’s anger stroke Tiridat and those who tortured the virgins. Possessed by demons they were like wild boars (as Nebuchadnezzar someday. Dan. 4, 30) running through forests, tearing their clothes and biting their own bodies. After some time passed Tiridat’s sister Kusaroduhta was told in the dream: “If Gregory will not be taken out of the ditch, king Tiridat will not get cured”. Then king’s servants came to the ditch and asked: “Gregory, are you alive?” Gregory answered: “By my Lord’s grace I am alive”. After that they took the saint martyr hairy, grown black and much withered. But he was still firm in his spirit. The saint ordered to gather the tortured virgins’ remnants; they were honorably buried and on the burial place a church was built. Saint Gregory brought in this church the possessed king and asked him to pray to the saint martyrs. Tiridat was cured after repenting his crimes against God and was baptized together with all his family and servants. Following the king’s example all Armenian people also baptized. By saint Gregory’s care in 301 was built the  Echmiadzin Cathedral in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. In 305 saint Gregory came to Caesarea in Cappadocia and was appointed bishop of Armenia by archbishop Leonty. For his apostolic works he was named Enlightener of Armenia. Saint Gregory converted to Christ also a lot of people from neighboring countries – Persia and Assyria

Saint Farther Gregory, pray the God for us!


May, 28

On May, 28, a pilgrim trip to Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Sergiev Posad was made by the parishioners of Joseph Volotskiy church led by the church clergyman priest Iliya Pankratov.

On their way to the Monastery they visited Radonezh, the village of rev. Sergiy’s childhood, dipped into the sacred fount, kissed the icons of the Preobrazheniye temple. After that the bus with the parishioners headed to the Pokrov Hot’kov monastery where there are the relics of rev. Sergiy’s parents, ascetics Kirill and Maria.
In the Monastery of the Holy Trinity the parishioners kissed the relics of the saint, visited the Serapion’s chambers, where they also kissed the relics of the saints. After tasting the monastery bread and kvas, buying spiritual books in the church shop and taking some water from the sacred fount, everybody drove home happy and a little tired.
The visit to the holy places and the wonderful sunny day influenced beneficially the parishioners’ mood. Their faces were lighted by special bliss and happiness by the end of the trip. During the whole trip guided by the Candidate of History, teacher of Svyato-Tikhonovskiy Humanity University Yurenko Anastasia Igorevna, the parishioners listened to her interesting story about the reverend Sergiy and his disciples.

We would like to say many thanks to OOO “Gazprom VNIIGAZ” for providing the pilgrims with a bus.


May, 23

On May, 23-d, on the eve of the memory day of the Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, first teachers of the Slavs, and the Day of Slavonic writing and culture the clergyman of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka priest Iliya Pankratov visited the general secondary school of Razvilka. An exhibition of Orthodox literature for the middle form pupils was organized there.

Farther Iliya narrated in details and very interestingly about the life of saints Cyril and Methodius and explained the importance of the alphabet creation and the single Church Slavonic language for the formation of Russian people's spirituality and strong statehood of our future State. The father presented the school head with an icon of first teachers of the Slavs Cyril and Methodius in their prayerful memory and with books from parish shop of Joseph Volotskiy church for the school library - Bible for schoolchildren and other orthodox publications on current youth topics.

After father Iliya's narration there started a discussion with schoolchildren, the Razvilka school head Tatiana Yurievna Litvinova and teachers of Sunday school under Joseph Volotskiy church participated in the discussion. The talk was lively and interesting.

The children gladly asked father Iliya and Sunday school teachers different questions. After the talk pupils and teachers were interested to look through the orthodox books brought to them. About a hundred people visited this event.


May, 11

On 11-th of May the Joseph Volotskiy church organized a seminar and exhibition on the subject "Maternity and childhood protection". The seminar for pupils of 9-11 forms took place in general secondary school of Razvilka.

The seminar was also visited by students of Razvilka branch of Vidnoe College. The seminar was led by the deputy head of the Sunday school under the Joseph Volotskiy church Petr Aleksandrovich Zorin. The exhibition was prepared together with the Orthodox medical-educational Center "Life". More than a hundred pupils and teachers visited the seminar and exhibition.

The clergyman of St. Sergiy Radonezhskiy church in Rogozhskaya sloboda, Candidate of Biology, leader of the project "Against abortion" priest Vladimir Duhovich was invited to talk to the teenagers. The leaders of this project help very young and unmarried girls, "who          by the lack of experience found themselves in a difficult life situation and who can again by the lack of experience and knowledge take the terrible decision about abortion".

Father Vladimir asked the children simple, but also very difficult questions: what for do we live; what is happiness; what tasks do we have in life? As a professional biologist father Vladimir explained to the schoolchildren that there are no scientific data which can confirm that our world appeared by a mere chance, that the life is the result of an odd mixture of chemical elements. Answering these questions he explained that without the belief in God, without seeking the love to God and to people life has no meaning. Moreover the person who doesn't want to grow in this love can never be happy.

What is more, if the person will abandon himself to passions, he will reject the thoughts about the shortness of life and about the coming Judgment Day. And following this terrible path he can commit a terrible deed - abortion. The modern society talks about the abortion as a medical procedure. But orthodox clear-eyed people must say directly and clearly that this is a murder notwithstanding the pregnancy period. And only faith in God and hope give strength and help think and behave properly. After the lecture the schoolchildren were given booklets, stickers, leaflets on the lecture subject.

The Razvilka school head Tatiana Yurievna Litvinova was present at the seminar. After the end she thanked the seminar organizer the dean of Joseph Volotskiy church priest Sergiy Efimov and the lecturer priest Vladimir Duhovich for such an interesting and direct talk with the children. She expressed the hope to continue the collaboration.

May, 10

Edict № 1616, dated 10 May 2011

Priest Iliya Pankratov is appointed to the Joseph Volotskiy church in settlement Razvilka in Leninskiy district of Moscow region.

†Juvenaliy, Metropolitan Krutiskiy and Kolomenskiy

May, 7-9

From May, 7 till May, 9 18 children from military-patriotic club "Krechet" (gyrfalcon) under the Sunday school of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka took part in the field campaign. During the manoeuvres students organized main and reserve camps, had a group march, forced a crossing overthe river.

At the end of the mission they together with the hardball club "Variag" (Varangian) participated in military-tactical game.

Groups resisted each other hard following the hardballs rules and demonstrated high assistance level.

May, 9

On May, 9-th priest Sergiy Efimov,  the dean of the Joseph Volotskiy church in settl.

Razvilka, together with the literary and musical group "Praising the Christ" of the Sunday school under the Joseph Volotskiy church visited the veterans of settlement Razvilka.

During these congratulatory meetings with the veterans of Great Patriotic War and labor front father Sergiy talked to the veterans and gave them his pastoral blessing.

Young and adult members of the literary and musical group "Praising the Christ" brought some happiness to them by singing songs and reciting.


May, 8

Celebrating the Day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

Every year the second Sunday after The Bright Resurrection of Christ the Church celebrates the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women: Mary Magdalen, Mary the wife of Cleopas, Salome, Joanna, Mary and Martha, Susanna and others. At this day we prayingly recollect those women who witnessed the cross death of the Savior, who saw the sun to darken, the earth to shake, stones to scatter and many saints to rise from the dead when our Lord Christ was crucified and died on cross. These were the women who followed Him to Golgofa and didn't leave the cross in spite of the anger of scribes and Judaic elders and of warriors' brutality. These were the women who loved Christ purely and holily and dared to go to The Holy Sepulchre before dawn, overcoming with the divine grace the terror which made the Apostles to scatter in fear, to hide behind the closed doors and to forget their disciples' duty. For this faith and devoted hearts they were blessed with the possibility to be the first to know about the Resurrection of Christ and to see Him alive.

The Day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women became the holyday for every orthodox Christian woman, a so called orthodox women's day. The Holy Orthodox Church celebrates this day as a holiday of all Christian women to emphasize their special and important role in family and society, to strengthen them in their selfless exploit of love and service to Lord and their nears.

As a good tradition after the liturgy the dean Sergiy Efimov congratulated all women parishioners and presented them with flowers.

May, 6

On 6-th of May on the threshold of celebrations of 66-th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War the dean of Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka Sergiy Efimov took part in traditional yearly celebrations devoted to the memory of the fallen citizens of Razvilka, who defended our country from the fascist intruders.

Father Sergiy served funeral lites on the places of memory of the fallen on battle fields and missing area residents in villages Ashcherino, Kartino, Mamonovo. Together with the father veterans, pensioners and young people of Razvilka prayingly recollected their countrymen fallen for the Motherland. After the funeral lite the head of settlement Razvilka Aleksand Vladimirovich Kolodin addressed those who came to pray for the defenders. He congratulated the inhabitants of the villages and the settlement Razvilka with the coming Holiday of Great Victory.

 In his speech Aleksand Vladimirovich congratulated the veterans of Great Patriotic War, thanked them for the shown courage and assured everybody that such celebrations will obligatory take place in the future. The chairman of the deputy council of Razvilka area Vladimir Petrovich Gradov, the chairman of veterans council Ilia Evdokimovich Saveliev and villages headmen came to commemorate the fallen and honor those veterans who, by Lord's grace, live now. The performance of the growing generation brought special happiness to all who gathered and mainly to the elderly participants of the memorable events. The pupils of the Razvilka school and kindergartens recited, sang patriotic songs and warmly congratulated the veterans. Many elderly residents of villages Ashcherino, Kartino, Mamonovo could not hold back tender tears looking at the children who specially prepared to commemorate the fallen and to thank those veterans who live now, who fought for the Great Victory. After the children's performance the elderly resident of settl. Razvilka made everybody happy by singing a war song.

After the festive concert the veterans and other elderly residents of the villages talked with pleasure to father Sergiy, who gave them his pastoral blessing and congratulated them with the coming Holiday of Great Victory.


April, 24

On April, 24 at the day of The Bright Resurrection of Christ in Joseph Volotskiy church in settl. Razvilka two Divine liturgies took place. At the night liturgy the church was full, children prayed and took part in the Procession together with the adults. After the service the dean invited everyone to join the meal which was organized in the cafeteria of the classical school. More than a hundred people were at the meal and students of the Sunday school, choristers and parishioners brought some happiness with their performances. For those who couldn't come to the night service (mainly parents with little children) a late Liturgy was served in the morning. Paschal services with the Processions took place during the Eastertide. For those willing  the church belfry was open. Especially the kids were glad to it - they  rang the bells themselves and learned from the skilful bell-ringers of the parish youth.

The parish visits to kindergartens during the festive days became a good tradition. This time the festive meeting began by the initiative of the pupils and their teachers. Children of one of the kindergartens lead by their teacher and speech therapist (teacher of the Sunday school Aleksandra Evgenievna Prudnikova) visited the Josepth Volotskiy church. The children lit candles, prayed and kissed the sacred objects.

The church dean told them about the main orthodox holuday, showed the church icons. Leaving the church the kiddies promised to pray for the speedy finishing of the process of building the church and promised to come next Sunday for the service together with their parents.

On Thursday, April 28, the church dean priest Segiy Efimov together with the teachers and students of Sunday school visited the Center for children development - kindergarten №45 "Fairytale" and Kindergarten of combined type №15 "Golden fish" in settl. Razvilka. A festive program was prepared for the little audience and their teachers - Paschal psalms and  enlightening fairytale. After that father Sergiy addressed the children and everybody present with congratulatory speech. At the end of every meeting festive presents were distributed - books about The Bright Resurrection of Christ, Sacred History for children and paschal cards with the pictures painted by the classical school students made specially for the holyday.

On April the 3-d, after the Liturgy in the church of saint Joseph Volotskiy in settl. Razvilka the icon of the saint Arsenius Elassonskiy, archbishop of Suzdal was sanctified. This icon was painted specially for the occasion of acquiring by the church this saint's relic. The saint Arsenius was Greek by origin and he took for some time the bishop cathedra in his native town Elasson, and in 1585 he came to Russia to first serve in Archangelsk temple of Moscow Kremlin and then to be transferred to Suzdal cathedra. He participated in church developments and described them in his great work about Russia of that difficult period of the end XVI and beginning of XVII centuries. The saint witnessed metropolitan Job, who started the history of Russian patriarchate, to become Patriarch; together with Patriarch Hermogenes he defended the Russian identity from the invasion of the Poles and Lithuanians; together with Patriarch Philaret he strengthened the new political system in Russia when Mikhail Feodorovitch the first monarch of Romanovs dynasty was elected.

The parishioners gladly met the new sacred object of the church. After the sanctification it was placed in the side chapel of the church of saint Joseph Volotskiy so that everyone could say their prayers to the saint.

Saint Farther Arsenius, pray the God for us!


On Tuesday, March 22, on the day of memory of The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste in the church of Rev. Joseph Volotskiy a festive divine service was made. It is notable that the memory of the Forty Martyrs is one of the most revered feasts during the Lent. On their memory day the lent strictness is lessened and the Holy Church allows the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts on any day of the week. The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are the Christian warriors who died in the IV century as martyrs for their belief in Christ in Sebaste (Lesser Armenia, now Turkey). There is a touching popular tradition of baking "skylarks" of lenten dough and hand them round praying and remembering the feat of faith of the saint martyrs. After the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the church of Rev. Joseph Volotskiy each parishioner was presented with such a "skylark".


On March 20-th during the Divine Liturgy in the church of the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" in the settlement Churilkovo of Domodedovskiy district of Moscow region the catechist,  chorister and teacher of the Sunday school of our church was ordained deacon by Grigoriy, the archbishop of Mozhaisk, with the blessing of metropolitan Krutitskiy and Kolomenskiy Juvenaly.

On March 18-th a pilgrim trip to Spaso-Borodinskiy convent was made by the students of Vidnoe College, the educational institution supported by the church of Joseph Volotskiy in Razvilka. This trip was another joint event of the church and the College, which is the sign of forming a good tradition.

The guide was Kutikova N.A., the Candidate of Culture Study and teacher of Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovskiy Humanity University. She told the children and College teachers about the famous Tuchkov family, especially about the founder of the convent Tuchkova Margarita Mikhailovna, Maria by monastic name. The group was gladly received in the monastery by the nun Irina. She in her turn told about the convent history and its modern life, showed the Tuchkov family crypt. She also told a very interesting story about the outstanding staritsa (aged nun) ascetic Rahil (Korotkova, 1833-1928). After that the group visited the Borodino field and its vicinities. There was a Muslim boy among the students. In spite of the different religion he also listened to the nun interestedly and saw round the monastery and the site of Borodino battle. After the trip all children expressed a unanimous wish to participate in other such trips.

On March 15-th a lecture "The opposition to manipulations of consciousness" was held in the Razvilka branch of Vidnoe College. Petr Aleksandrovich Zorin, the teacher of church of Rev. Joseph Volotskiy, spoke to a group of students of Motor Mechanic and Cook Faculties. The children are especially vulnerable to the attempts of manipulation. Drug dealers, aggressive advertising of alcohol and tobacco, popularization of exploitative life style and crime, religious and commercial sects - all these attack the teenagers who yet do not have any strong convictions and substantial life experience. During the lecture the term "manipulation" was explained as a heavy and repeated pressure with the aim of making a person to do something or to remain inactive in certain situations which will cause him harm. This term was illustrated by a number of examples. The analogy between teaching people to buy goods and to take drugs was revealed by the lecturer. The sect followers also use such manipulation techniques as lies, information hiding and myths usage to attract new members to their sects. Politicians and commercial organizations often invite famous people who by their occupation can't be an authority on certain subjects, and this is parasitizing on authority. Drug dealers and trading organizations often try to cut off the critical perception and to worm themselves into peoples' confidence. When you think logically you can't imagine that a cup of tea can completely change your life understanding, but the advertisements assure us of that. Though drug dealers say absolute truth by the same statement about drugs, they never reveal the results of taking drugs.

During the lecture the students reacted very actively to the examples. They asked to explain some subjects in more detail. It was striking to see that the teenagers, including "problem" ones, were listening to the lecture with such interest and so attentively. One could note that some of the statements cut them to their hearts. They understood that you can't agree with everything offered without thinking and analyzing it.

The college authorities thanked Petr Aleksandrovich for the lecture and expressed a hope of continuing the ever growing cooperation with the church of Joseph Volotskiy.


On March, 13-th a lecture was held by the historian Sergey Dmitirievich Marnov in the lecture hall of classic school in the name of St. Seraphim Sarovskiy under the St. Joseph Volotskiy church.

The lecture was about Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. Sergey Dmitrievich teaches history already about 30 years and is known as the author of many published historical works, including the works about Ivan the Terrible.

Sergey Dmitrievich and priest Mikhail Nemnonov co-authored a book approved for publishing by Publishing Department of Moscow Patriarchate. The lecture showed the correct orthodox and historical view of the complex and contradictory personality of Ivan IV. Remarkably the lecture took place exactly on the feast of Triumph of Orthodoxy which this year coincided with the memory day of St. blessed Nikolay Pskovskiy who exposed the profane deeds of Ivan the Terrible and saved Pskov from the tyrant.


On March, 13-th on the feast of Triumph of Orthodoxy a tea party was organized after the liturgy in the St. Joseph Volotskiy in Razvilka.

A pleasant surprise was prepared by the church entrance for all parishioners and visitors - hot tea with lenten spice cakes, crackers and bread rings.

Adults, young people and children were very glad to share this modest festive meal outdoors. Everybody was presented with a pack of OAO "Hlebniy Dom" ("Bread House") products.

On 13-th of March the movie "Trickery" was shown in the parish cinema lecture hall of St. Joseph Volotskiy church. This movie started the series of lectures about the opposition to manipulations of consciousness. After watching the movie and discussions a lecture was held by Petr Aleksandrovich Zorin, head of curriculum department of the Sunday school. He talked about the types of such regrettable phenomenon of nowadays as manipulations of consciousness, which can be met unfortunately not only in mass-media, but also inside the church, as for example, a syndrome of  mladostarchestvo.

March, 1-st
On the 1-st of March a concert of the author's music "The First Spring Day" was held in the classic school in the name of saint Seraphim Sarovskiy. A lot of parishioners and residents of the settlement Razvilka came to the concert. Two parishioners of the church of St. Joseph Volotskiy performed: Vasiliy Scheglov (altar server and teacher of the classic school) and Oleg Osadchiy (catechist, altar server and chorister of the church). The authors sang their own songs accompanying themselves on guitars. The performance of Vasiliy Scheglov was a pleasant surprise for the students of the classic school. The children sang several songs along with their teacher. The songs of various styles were performed at the concert. After the concert the dean of the church of St. Joseph Volotskiy priest Sergiy Efimov and the head-mistress of the classic school Tatiana Ivanovna Lescheva addressed the audience. They suggested to state a tradition of such cultural parish events.
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February, 27-th
On February 27-th a lecture "Worship of the wonder-working Vladimirskaya icon of the Mother of God" was held in the church of St. Joseph Volotskiy in Razvilka. The story about the icon was organized as an additional lesson for the attendants of the Sunday school, both children and adults, and also for all the parishioners, who wanted to get acquainted with the history of one of the most honorable images of the Most Holy Mother of God. Vladimirskaya icon of the Mother of God is the most ancient of the wonder-working images of the Most Pure Virgin Mary shown in Russia. That is why the story of this icon was highly expected by the parishioners, especially by the artists and icon painters who visited the event. The lecture was held by the leading research officer of the museum-reserve Moscow Kremlin Ludmila Aleksandrovna Schennikova, Candidate of Art, one of the most eminent specialists and author of many published works on the history of Vladimirskaya icon of the Mother of God. Her work for the Mother-Church good was highly appreciated by Patriarch Aleksiy II. He addressed the readers of Ludmila Aleksandrovna's book about Vladimirskaya icon of the Mother of God: "May this edition be the reverential gift, which will be placed to the feet of Holy Queen of Heaven by our generation of Russian orthodox believers following the example of our pious ancestors." The lecture was supported by the slide-show of the miracle-working image and its copies. After the lecture persons interested asked Ludmila Aleksandrovna Schennikova questions about the history of the sacred icon and its copies. These questions were answered thoroughly and substantially. Most Holy Mother of God, pray for us!
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February, 23-d
On Wednsday, February 23, a pilgrim trip was made by the parishioners of Joseph Volotskiy church in Razvilka to Zvenigorod land. The pilgrims visited the Dormition temple in Gorodok. This XIV century temple is one of the oldest temples preserved till our days. The frescoes painted by St. Andrey Rublev are visible on the walls. The pilgrims visited the Savvino-Storozhevskiy cloister where they were honored with the possibility of kissing the relics of Savva, the saint protector of the cloister. They also visited the historical, arcitectural and art mueseum of Zvenigorod situated on the territory of the cloister. Before the departure all took the water from the sacred fount. Though the day was frosty everybody liked the trip. The holyday was spent for the good of their spirit.


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